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zsh: command not found: dcos

I tried to install DC/OS cluster on my Mac by dcos-vagrant.

Intsallation is quite smooth, no errors found.

==> m1: sudo: chmod u+x /opt/mesosphere/bin/
==> m1: sudo: /opt/mesosphere/bin/
==> boot: DC/OS Installation Complete
==> boot: Web Interface: http://m1.dcos/

but when I opne the http://m1.dcos/, doesn't show the web-ui, show the ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE error, and cannot find the dcos command.

GET http://m1.dcos/ net::ERR_EMPTY_RESPONSE

➜  dcos-vagrant git:(master) dcos marathon app add
zsh: command not found: dcos

Anyone can help me! Thanks in advance!

dcos cannot work duo to I didn't install the dcos CLI.

intallation DC/OS CLI


  • To install the CLI, copy and paste into your terminal:

    mkdir -p dcos
    cd dcos
    curl -O 
    bash ./ . https://m1.dcos
    source ./bin/env-setup