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AWS Lambda + Python-ldap

I am trying to use python-ldap with AWS Lambda. I downloaded the tarball from :

and code to use lambda (

from ldap_dir.ldap_query.Lib import ldap

and uploaded the zip to Lambda.

where my directory structure is

ldap_dir -> ldap_query -> Lib -> ldap folder
ldap_dir ->

Am I missing out something?


  • python-ldap is built on top of native OpenLDAP libraries. This article - even though unrelated to the python ldap module - describes how to bundle Python packages that have native dependencies.

    The outline of this is the following:

    • Create an Amazon EC2 instance with Amazon Linux
    • Install compiler packages as well as the OpenLDAP developer package. yum install -y gcc openldap-devel
    • Create a virtual environment: virtualenv env
    • Activate the virtual environment: env/bin/activate
    • Upgrade pip (I am not sure this is necessary, but I got a warning without this): pip install --upgrade pip
    • Install python-ldap: pip install python-ldap
    • Create a handler Python script, for example, with the following code:

    import os
    import subprocess
    libdir = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), 'local', 'lib')
    def handler(event, context):
        command = 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH={} python'.format(libdir), shell=True)

    • Implement your LDAP function, in this example

    import ldap
    print ldap.PORT

    • Create a zip package, let's say

    zip -9 ~/
    zip -9 ~/
    cd env/lib/python2.7/site-packages
    zip -r9 ~/ *
    cd ../../../lib64/python2.7/site-packages
    zip -r9 ~/ *

    • Download the zip to your system (or put it into an S3 bucket). Now you can create your Lambda function using lambda.handler as the function name and use the zip file as the code.

    I hope this helps.