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Angular controller not binding to view

I have an Angular controller defined something like


angular.module("mainCtrl", [])

.controller("mainController", function ($rootScope, $location, Auth) {

    var vm = this;
    vm.testStr = "If you see this, mainController is active on your page";

Here Auth is an angular service defined to handle authentication and it doesn't put the testStr variable behind authentication.

A view defined tries to bind the variable testStr as bellow


<base href="/">

<!-- load angular and angular-route via CDN -->
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>
<script src="//"></script>

<body ng-app="userApp" ng-controller="mainController as main">

<main class="container">
   <!-- ANGULAR VIEWS -->
   <div ng-view></div>


But when the index is loaded the value of testString doesn't appear on the page. Instead {{main.testStr}} appears.

I am assuming it is not a must to use $scope and couldn't find what I am doing wrong.

Thanks in advance, for your help.


There are other files involved that I didn't mention here. Now I can see their relevance.

The app module, app.js

angular.module("userApp", ["ngAnimate", "app.routes",
    "authService", "mainCtrl",
    "employeeCtrl", "employeeService"])

// application configuration to integrate token into requests
.config(function ($httpProvider) {

    // attach our auth interceptor to the http requests


module for routing app.route.js

angular.module("app.routes", ["ngRoute"])

.config(function ($routeProvider, $locationProvider) {


    // route for the home page
        .when("/", {
            templateUrl: "app/views/pages/home.html"

        // login page
        .when("/login", {
            templateUrl: "app/views/pages/login.html",
            controller: "mainController",
            controllerAs: "login"

        // show all employees
        .when("/employees", {
            templateUrl: "app/views/pages/employees/all.html",
            controller: "employeeController",
            controllerAs: "employee"

        // form to create a new user
        // same view as edit page
        .when("/employees/create", {
            templateUrl: "app/views/pages/employees/single.html",
            controller: "employeeCreateController",
            controllerAs: "employee"

        // page to edit a user
        .when("/employees/:employee_id", {
            templateUrl: "app/views/pages/employees/single.html",
            controller: "employeeEditController",
            controllerAs: "employee"




  • You have declared the Module name as mainCtrl

    angular.module("mainCtrl", []) 

    but using ng-app as userApp

    Change your module like this,

    angular.module("userApp", [])