I recently upgraded to RubyMine 2016.1, and have noticed that the assert_select
method in minitest is marked as deprecated.
Here is the warning I get,
'Rails::Dom::Testing::Assertions::SelectorAssertions.assert_select' call is deprecated less... (⌘F1)
This inspection warns about features that were deprecated in Rails 3.0 and will be removed in future versions.
Is this true? I can't find any clear information to corroborate this. Can anyone clarify if this is just a bug in RubyMine, or if it is actually being deprecated?
The assert_select
is actually not deprecated. This seems to be a bug in Rubymine 2016.1, similar to the Model.find
deprecation warning bug. Someone even referenced this problem it in the same issue in the bug tracker.
So, although I could not find any more relevant links to prove, I guess it is the same bug which is supposed to be fixed in the Rubymine 2016.1.2 release later this year.
Update: the bug seems to be fixed now in the Rubymine 2016.1.1 security release. The IDE no longer annotates this statement as deprecated.