I'm using GitHub Pages to host a site and I'd like to rename my index.html
file to something else (e.g. home.html
). The issue with this is that GitHub specifically looks for and loads the default 'index.html
' as the directory index.
I understand changing the directory index is possible via server configuration files such as .htaccess
, but GitHub Pages does not support these.
I've looked around for a bit with no luck, so I'm reaching out to see if I have any options for changing the name of the 'index.html
' file in an attempt to 'prettify' links back to my home page.
Update: I'd prefer to actually change the name of the directory index file GitHub is looking for versus using a redirect.
One possibility would be to add a redirect from the index.html
page to the new home.html
As such, index.thml
page remains, but almost empty.
See "Redirect from an HTML page?" or "What is the best approach for redirection of old pages?".
<meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0; url=home.html" />