I'm trying to publish an .apk into my Application Center through console. I've followed this note but it doesn't work in my environment:
If I type :
./acdeploytool.sh /home/miguel/Downloads/HelloWorldMyHelloAndroid.apk
I get this error message:
FWLAC0803E: Unable to connect: Connection refused Perhaps the server or context is wrongly specified. File:/home/myUser/Downloads/HelloWorldMyHelloAndroid.apk
And if I try another way using this java command:
java com.ibm.appcenter.Upload -f http://localhost:9080 -c applicationcenter -u demo -p demo /home/myUser/Downloads/HelloWorldMyHelloAndroid.apk
I get this one:
Error: Could not find or load main class com.ibm.appcenter.Upload
I don't get any errors when I do this 'publish' operation directly in Application Center or through MobileFirst Studio.
Miguel, whether you use the script or the Java command, you need to specify the arguments to use. Please try the following:
./acdeploytool.sh -s http://localhost:9080 -c applicationcenter -u demo -p demo /home/miguel/Downloads/HelloWorldMyHelloAndroid.apk
I tried a similar command in my environment and was able to successfully deploy the apk to Application Center. If the command still does not work, make sure that the host/port that you are using are correct, and that the username and password are valid.
For the Java command that you executed, I see a few problems. First, the -cp argument needs to be specified in order to add the applicationcenterdeploytool.jar and json4j.jar files to the classpath. Next, the command shows "-f", but it should be "-s" to specify the server. Lastly, the path that was specified for the .apk is different than what you specified in the first command: myUser vs. miguel. So make sure that the correct path is used. If there are any further questions, let me know. Thanks.