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I need to eliminate the \r\n from within the body of a PHP generated e-mail

Here is my current script:

     $toemail = "$appemail";
            $subject = "Bursary Application";

            $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"
                ."From: Tem <[email protected]>\r\n"
                ."Content-type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n";

            $body =     "<h3>Thank You ".$appfirstname." for applying for the Bursary.</h3>"
                ."<hr />"
                ."<h2>Bursary Application Form</h2>"
                ."<hr />"
                ."<h4>Application Date: ".$appdate."</h4>"
                ."<h4>First Name: ".$appfirstname."</h4>"
                ."<h4>Last Name: ".$applastname."</h4>"
                ."<h4>Birthdate: ".$birthdate."</h4>"
                ."<h4>Mailing Address: ".$appmailingaddress."</h4>"
                ."<h4>City: ".$appcity."</h4>"
                ."<h4>Province: ".$appprovstate."</h4>"
                ."<h4>Postal Code: ".$apppc."</h4>"
                ."<h4>Phone Number: ".$appphone."</h4>"
                ."<h4>Graduation Date: ".$graddate."</h4>"
                ."<h4>Email Address: ".$appemail."</h4>"
                ."<h4>Post Secondary Plans: ".$psplans."</h4>"
                ."<h4>Musical Accomplishments: ".$ma."</h4>"
                ."<h4>Hobbies: ".$hobbies."</h4>"
                ."<h4>Why I enjoy music: ".$why."</h4>"
                ."<h4>How I will use the monetary award: ".$how."</h4>"
                ."<h4>What I would say to the donor: ".$saydonor."</h4>"
                ."<hr />"
                ."<h4>Thank you for your application.</h4>"

            mail($toemail, $subject, $body, $headers);

I am getting the data from the form and using text fields for the paragraph answers. I am sending this in the form as test data $psplans. There are carriage returns after each number:

1)Line 1 2)Line 2 3)Line 3

I am getting this in the body of the emailed message:

Post Secondary Plans: 1)Line 1\r\n2)Line 2\r\n3)Line 3

I cannot find a way to eliminate the \r\n. Your help would be appreciated. :)


  • You're outputting html in the email, not text. A newline in the source code of html does not appear as a line break in the output.

    You can simply use the php function nl2br:

    to change the line

                ."<h4>Post Secondary Plans: ".$psplans."</h4>"


                ."<h4>Post Secondary Plans: ".nl2br($psplans)."</h4>"

    or use the <br> tag yourself instead of the \n\r sequence where you insert it already.