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python import multiple times

I suppose this is a general question so sorry if not posted in the right place.

Say for instance, I have a function a which imports os. If I was to call this function from another file multiple times I am assuming that the import would be done multiple times as well? Is there a way to only import the module if its not already present?

Basically, I have a class which calls multiple functions imported from various files, instead of importing the whole file I thought it would be easier to import just the function but now I am wondering if I am going to give myself headaches in the long run with excess imports.


  • As described in the python documentation, when python see some import statement it does the following things:

    • checks some global table if the module is already imported
      • if the module is not there, python imports it, creates a module object and puts the newly created module object in the global table
      • if the module is there, python just gets module object
    • when python has the module object, it binds it to the name you chose
      • if it was import foo, the name for the module foo will be foo
      • if it was import foo as bar, the name for the module foo will be bar
      • if it was from foo import bar as baz, python finds the function (or whatever) bar in module foo and will bind this function to the name baz

    So each module is imported only one time.

    To better understand import mechanics, I would suggest creating a toy example.


    print("import is in progress")
    def foo():


    def foo():
        print("before importing module")
        import module
        print("after importing module")
    if __name__ == '__main__':

    Put the above files in the same directory. When is being imported, it prints import is in progress. When you launch, it will try to import module several times but the output will be:

    before importing module
    import is in progress
    after importing module
    before importing module
    after importing module

    So import really happens only once. You can adjust this toy example to check cases that are interesting to you.