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Timeout during the verification of two array addition

I am trying to verify the addition of two 2d arrays but I constantly take a timeout error regardless of the solver that I use.

The code that I am trying to verify is the following:

typedef struct{
  float mem[3];

/*@ requires \valid(b1) && \valid(b2);
  @ ensures A: \forall integer i; 0 <= i < 3 ==>
                b1->mem[i] == \old(b1)->mem[i] + b2->mem[i];
  @ assigns b1->mem[0..2];
void baseMatrixAssignAdd3x1(BaseMatrix3x1 *b1, BaseMatrix3x1 *b2){
    /*@ loop invariant 0 <= i <= 3;
      loop invariant \forall integer k; 
      0 <= k < i ==>
        \at(b1->mem[k], LoopCurrent) ==
            \at(b1->mem[k], LoopEntry) + \at(b2->mem[k], LoopEntry);
      loop assigns i, b1->mem[0..2];*/ 
    for(unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++){
        b1->mem[i] += b2->mem[i];

The second loop invariant is the one that causes all the solvers to timeout.

Do you have any suggestions?

Edit: I fixed the assign error (which was not the problem though).

I don't call this function somewhere yet, I am just trying to prove the loop invariants. From my understanding, in order to verify a function, we do not care about the way that this function will be called. We care only about the Pre and Post conditions that we have.


  • First, what is incorrect/missing in your code:

    • you never mention that b1 and b2 are pointers to different matrices. Your loop assigns are incorrect without this information, because b2->mem[0..2] also gets assigned. You need to add a requires \separated(b1, b2); assumption
    • you postcondition is incorrect, because \old only applies to the pointer b1 (which remains unchanged in the function anyway), while it should apply to b1->mem. You should have written \old(b1->mem[i]) instead.
    • you're missing an important loop invariant, namely that b1->mem[i..2] has not been modified (yet). Since your loop assigns mentions that all of b1->mem may be assigned at every iteration, you need to add an invariant on the unchanged parts.

    Next, one apparent limitation of the WP plugin that prevents a full proof:

    • the support for the label LoopCurrent seems insufficient. But, in your loop invariants, LoopCurrent is the default label. So you can always replace \at(P, LoopCurrent) by P.

    Here is a fully annotated version of your code that the WP plugin is able to prove, using Alt-Ergo as prover.

      requires \valid(b1) && \valid(b2);
      requires \separated(b1, b2);
      ensures A: \forall integer i; 0 <= i < 3 ==>
                    b1->mem[i] == \old(b1->mem[i]) + b2->mem[i];
      assigns b1->mem[0..2];
    void baseMatrixAssignAdd3x1(BaseMatrix3x1 *b1, BaseMatrix3x1 *b2){
      /*@ loop invariant 0 <= i <= 3;
          loop invariant \forall integer k; 
            k >= i ==> b1->mem[k] == \at(b1->mem[k], Pre);
          loop invariant \forall integer k; 
            0 <= k < i ==> b1->mem[k] == \at(b1->mem[k], LoopEntry) + b2->mem[k];
          loop assigns i, b1->mem[0..2];*/ 
      for(unsigned int i=0; i<3; i++){
        b1->mem[i] += b2->mem[i];