I'm creating an application that stores product data in a (now) relational database. But a washing machine has different properties then a laptop fe. They both are a type of product, with always a price, title, desc and image, but only laptops have a harddisk (mostly)
So what to choose as a model?
I'm favouring option 3, but that still feels wrong and hard to scale and I'm unsure if I'm forgetting something or that my years of relational php / mysql thinking are steering me away from another and way better choice.
You need a kind of key/value tables to solve this relationally.
But there are some things to consider. A washing machine may have 1200 or 1400 rpm but certainly not 367. So there are some values that must be picked from lists, whereas others my be free text. Then there are probably values that are obligatory and others that are not, e.g. a computer that may come with a keyboard (which you could further specify) or not.
But let's say there are only value list properties (no free text) and for optional properties you have an entry 'none' in the list and for obligatory not. That means, however, that suddenly all properties of a category are "obligatory" (i.e. for a PC you must say what keyboard, even if it is 'none', whereas for a chair you must not).
This leads to something like:
table category
category_id text c1 PC c2 Washing machine
table products
product_id category_id text ... p1 c2 Washy WM1000 p2 c1 Super PC
table properties
property_id text 100 rpm 200 keyboard
table property_values
value_id property_id text 21 100 1200 22 100 1400 23 200 with numpad 24 200 without numpad 25 200 none
category_id property_id c1 200 c2 100
product_id value_id p1 22 p2 23