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Qcache doesn't store anything in Qt 5.6

I'm trying to store QStrings in the QCache but after I close the application and run it again, the cache is empty again.

here is my cpp code:

QString fileName = QFileDialog::getOpenFileName(this, tr("Select a ply file"), homeDir, ".ply (*.ply)");
fileCache.insert(12, &fileName);
qDebug() << QString("# items in cache: ") + QString::number(fileCache.count());

and I have the cache declared in the header:

QCache<int, QString> fileCache;

I have also tried storing a tmp value because before i was receiving this memory leak error:

free(): invalid size: 0x00007fffa0d96600 ***
======= Backtrace: =========

So I tried this:

QString *tmp = new QString("hi");
fileCache.insert(12, tmp);

Now I'm not getting any errors, but the cache is still empty on restart!


  • So I needed to use QSettings instead, which provides persistancy across closing and opening the application.