I have a big class which has a lot of functions and attributes. the instances are created from data in a remote database.
the process of creating each instance is very long and heavy.
In performance sake ive created a bunch class from this heavy class. so accessing the attributed is easy and works great . the problem is how to use the methods from that class.
ex :
class clsA():
def __init__(self,obj):
def someFunc(self):
print self
class bunchClsA(bunch):
def __getattr__(self, attr):
# this is the problem:
#try and return a func
func = clsA.attr
return func
# return simple attribute
return self.attr
Clearly this dosent work , Is there a way i could access the instance function staticly and override the "self" var ?
Found out a nice solution to the problem :
from bunch import Bunch
import types
#Original class:
class A():
def __init__(self,num):
def funcA(self):
print self.x
#class that wraps A using Bunch(thats what i needed .. u can use another):
class B(Bunch):
def __init__(self, data, cls):
self._cls = cls # notice, not an instance just the class it self
super(B, self).__init__(data)
def __getattr__(self, attr):
# Handles normal Bunch, dict attributes
if attr in self.keys():
return self[attr]
res = getattr(self._cls, attr)
if isinstance(res, types.MethodType):
# returns the class func with self overriden
return types.MethodType(res.im_func, self, type(self))
# returns class attributes like y
return res
data = {'x': 3}
ins_b = B(data, A)
print ins_b.funcA() # returns 3
print ins_b.y # returns 6
And this solves my issue, its a hack and if you have the privileges, redesign the code.