I am getting the names of tables from a database and I want to select all the data from each table and create a dataframe automatically. The code
nm = dbListTables(connection)
creates a vector like:
[1] "Account" "Credit__Amortization_Payment__c"
[3] "Credit__Amortization_Schedule__c" "Credit__Loan_Payment__c"
[5] "Credit__Loan__c"
As an example,
nm = c("Account", "Credit__Amortization_Payment__c", "Credit__Amortization_Schedule__c", "Credit__Loan_Payment__c", "Credit__Loan__c")
I create a list of a query for each value in a loop:
qry <- list()
for (i in 1:length(nm)) {
qry[i] <- paste0("select * from ", nm[i])
Then I can't figure out how to save the name of the data frame as the values from the vector, so I have to manually type it out like this, but I would like to just loop through it saving a data frame with exactly the same name and structure from the list nm.
q = paste0(qry[1])
rs <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
Account <- dbFetch(rs, n=-1)
I repeat it here for each value in the vector manually but I would like to do this automatically based on the values in nm = dbListTables(connection)
q = paste0(qry[3])
rs <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
Credit__Amortization_Schedule__c <- dbFetch(rs, n=-1)
I think assign
is what you are looking for, e.g.
> assign("x", 5)
> x
[1] 5
In your case e.g. for query 1
q <- paste0(qry[1])
rs <- dbSendQuery(con, q)
assign(nm[1], dbFetch(rs, n=-1))
should work. Also have a look at the R FAQ.