I have a fact Table that contains people & Thier qualifications. The fact table has two dates, the StartStudyDate & EndStudyDate. This represents the period the students were studying. I then have a Person Dimension, Qualification Dimension, a Grouping Dimension & one Date Dimension.
Im trying to find a count of students who were actively studying on a particular date.
In SQL its relatively simple:
select a.PaygroupDescription, a.[Qualification], count(a.[PersonID])
from (
select distinct p.[PersonID], PaygroupDescription, q.[Qualification]
from [hr].[Appointment Detail] ad
join hr.Paygroup pg on ad.PaygroupID = pg.PaygroupID
join hr.Qualification q on q.QualificationID = ad.QualificationID
join hr.Person p on p.PersonID = ad.PersonID
join dimdate sd on sd.DateID = ad.StartDateID
join dimDate ed on ed.DateID = ad.EndDateID
where sd.date <= 20150101 and ed.date >= 20150101
) as a
group by a.PaygroupDescription, a.[Qualification]
The problem is i cant figure out how to do this in dax. I started out by adding two columns to the fact table in the TabularModel:
'Appointment Detail'[StartDateID])
'Appointment Detail'[EndDateID])
I then wrote the measure that checks if one date is selected from DimDate, it gets all distinct rows where the selectedDate is <= ActualStartDate && >= ActualEndDate.
Problem is that this behaves like an absolute dog. if i try to add any attributes for breaking the data down, i run out of memory (at least in 32bit excel). I know i could try 64 bit excel, but my dataset is small, so memory should not be an issue. This is before i even add filters to the calculation for specific qualifications:
(distinctcount('Appointment Detail'[PersonID]),
DATESBETWEEN('Date'[Date], min('Appointment Detail'[ActualStartDate]),Max( 'Appointment Detail'[ActualEndDate]))
Id appreciate help in understanding the problem correctly as im obviously missing something here regarding the problem & my dax experience is also very light.
I would remove the relationships to DimDate and then use something like the following pattern for your measure:
EmployeeCount := CALCULATE( COUNTROWS ( 'Person' ),
FILTER('Appointment Detail',
'Appointment Detail'[ActualStartDate] <= MAX(DimDate[Date])
&& 'Appointment Detail'[ActualEndDate] >= MIN(DimDate[Date])