Trying to streamline a deployment process to for my django application, I have a master (working copy) and a development branch.
currently I'm doing the following:
obviously I've missed the efficient development train, for the record I've only been working with django for a couple of months as a hobby project.
Can anyone suggest a django deployment process that would be more conducive to sane development?
I would strongly suggest Fabric to handle your deployments to WebFaction:
By using Fabric you can deploy code and do other server side operations from your local terminal with no need to manually ssh to the server. First install Fabric:
pip install Fabric
Create in your project root folder. Here is an example fabfile that can get you started:
from fabric.api import task, env, run, cd
from fabric.context_managers import prefix
env.hosts = ('',)
env.forward_agent = True
MANAGEPY = '~/webapps/my_project/code/my_project/'
PY = '~/webapps/my_project/env/bin/python2.7'
def deploy():
with cd('~/webapps/my_project/code/'):
with prefix('source production'):
run('git pull --rebase origin master')
run('pip install -r requirements.txt')
run('{} {} migrate'.format(PY, MANAGEPY))
run('{} {} collectstatic --noinput'.format(PY, MANAGEPY))
run('touch my_project/my_project/')
You can run fab task from your terminal with:
fab deploy
In my opinion, making code changes directly on server is a bad practice. Fabric can improve your development flow so that you make code edits only locally, quickly deploy them and test them.