Given that I had a route that must accept either the code or the id of the object, is there any way in silex that I can detect which was passed to the route (numeric or not numeric) and then send either one variable or the other?
Eg. /route/1 -> id for USA on the database
I send $id = 1 and $code = null to the controller
/route/US -> code for USA on the database
I send $id = null and $code = 'US' to the controller
I tried something like this, but it won't work
->get('/route/{code}{id}', 'controllers.myController:getIndex')
->value('id', null)
->assert('id', '[0-9]+')
->value('code', null)
->assert('code', '[a-zA-Z]+');
If both id and code can be empty, you can make one route with default values:
->get('/route/{code}{id}', 'controllers.myController:getIndex')
->value('id', '')
->assert('id', '[0-9]*')
->value('code', '')
->assert('code', '[a-zA-Z]*');
If one of parameters should be filled add 2 routes:
->get('/route/{id}', 'controllers.myController:getIndex')
->assert('id', '[0-9]+');
->get('/route/{code}', 'controllers.myController:getIndex')
->assert('code', '[a-zA-Z]+');