I need to change default success message when we get after creating an item into my own success message. After few digging I found out how to create new flash messages but change existing messages is still a mystery to me.
This is my config.yml file
- { type: mytodo_success, domain: AdminBundle}
Admin class,
public function postPersist($object) {
$this->getRequest()->getSession()->getFlashBag()->add("mytodo_success", "My To-Do custom success message");
It would be great if someone can help me on this. I need to change default success message witch gives 'flash_create_success' to my own message.
You can create your own "translation" file .. and put it in your local resources... here's the original
the success message lives there ... just change the English "translation" to whatever you need... if you are using <= symfony 2.8 you can put the file in
after clearing your cache.. you should be able to see new message without doing anything more...