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Line break in cell jquery-bootgrid

There is a way to make visible a <br> inside a cell using jquery-bootgrid? Because the render of <br> is not visible.


  • What I understand is that you want to add a line break in your data, something like this,

    enter image description here

    In the features column I am passing an array and it displays each Item in a separate row using <br>

    For this you can create a custom converter,

    You can create the converter when initializing the BootGrid Table

    var dt = $('#myTable').bootgrid({
      //.......... Other Options
      converters: {
        listDisplay: {
          from: function(value) {
            return value;
          to: function(value) {
         // Here you can customise value - I have an Array which I join using <br>
            value = value.join("<br/>");
            return value;

    Then all you have to do in the Table HTML is set the data-type on the Column heading

        <table  id="myTable">
              <th data-column-id="Id" data-visible="false" data-identifier="true" data-type="numeric">Id</th>
              <th data-column-id="SelectedFeaturesNames" data-type="listDisplay">Features</th>
    <!-- Note the data-type on the Features <th> is listDisplay -->