I've written a Python script to add rows to my tables. I decided it would be nice if I could also view my tables with the same script instead of having to either quit the script and run sqlite3 or switch to another shell and run sqlite3. So I wrote up what I expected would give me what I want and it sort of does... This is the part of the script in question:
import sqlite3
conn = sqlite3.connect('stu.db')
c = conn.cursor()
var = 1
while var == 1:
enquiry = raw_input("What would you like to do?> ")
enquiry == 'stu db' or enquiry == 'sd':
c.execute("SELECT * FROM stu")
In sqlite3 when you run SELECT * FROM stu you get a nicely formatted table with uniform rows and columns. When I run it here I get a long list of the information in parenthesis instead. It looks sort of like this (I didn't print the actual results as that would violate some Federal laws):
[(1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None), (1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None),(1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None),(1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None),(1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None),(1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None),(1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None),(1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None),(1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None),(1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None)]
I think I know what's going on. Python is just spitting out what the query to sqlite returns, but is there a way to format this information so that it is easily readable?
You can use pandas
for this:
print pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM stu", conn)
Sample program (python 2.7.6, pandas 0.18.0):
import sqlite3
import pandas as pd
conn = sqlite3.connect(':memory:')
c = conn.cursor()
c.execute('create table stu ( ID, Name, ShoeSize, Course, IQ, Partner )')
c.executemany('insert into stu VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)',
[(1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None),
(1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None),
(1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None),
(1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None),
(1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None),
(1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None),
(1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None),
(1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None),
(1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None),
(1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None)])
# Ugly way
print list(c.execute("SELECT * FROM stu"))
# Pretty way
print pd.read_sql_query("SELECT * FROM stu", conn)
Result, which includes both the ugly and the pretty output:
[(1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None), (1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None), (1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None), (1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None), (1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None), (1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None), (1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None), (1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None), (1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None), (1234567890, u'John Doe', 3852, u'DEGR-AA', 4, None)]
ID Name ShoeSize Course IQ Partner
0 1234567890 John Doe 3852 DEGR-AA 4 None
1 1234567890 John Doe 3852 DEGR-AA 4 None
2 1234567890 John Doe 3852 DEGR-AA 4 None
3 1234567890 John Doe 3852 DEGR-AA 4 None
4 1234567890 John Doe 3852 DEGR-AA 4 None
5 1234567890 John Doe 3852 DEGR-AA 4 None
6 1234567890 John Doe 3852 DEGR-AA 4 None
7 1234567890 John Doe 3852 DEGR-AA 4 None
8 1234567890 John Doe 3852 DEGR-AA 4 None
9 1234567890 John Doe 3852 DEGR-AA 4 None