I need to use an event-table with connection to a PostgreSQL db on execution plan.
I tried to extend the Siddhi extension RDBMS event table (from siddhi-master branch) and while doing the jUnit tests I can interact successful with the database.
I add the eventtable.siddhiext file to conf folder and the .jar to dropins folder but when I try to access through the execution plan i cannot establish the connection. Moreover, I could create the PostgreSQL Datasource with no problems, so the cep can reach the database.
Catarina, Actually you don't have to add the eventtable.siddhiext to conf folder.. What you have to do is wrap the *.siddhiext with the jar file and copy to the dropins folder (As shown in [1]) ..
Here there are few things that you need to keep in mind. - Since, we have an OSGI runtime. Please have a unique package name for your event table extension. - Have a unique name for siddhiext file.. For example, postgres.siddhiext ..
[1] https://github.com/wso2/siddhi/tree/master/modules/siddhi-extensions/event-table/src/main/resources