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ggplot python handling time data over many weeks at hourly resolution

I am plotting journey time for a series of roads at hourly resolution, with data over a few weeks.

I can plot using unix time, but that isn't very intuitive. This is 7 days worth of data.

enter image description here

I used a function to manipulate the time field in order to give the date and hour:

def plot_time(time):
    return time.strftime('%Y-%m-%d-%H')

However, this results in ggplot throwing a value error when trying to plot:

ValueError: invalid literal for float(): 2016-04-13-00

Is there a simpler means of displaying date and some hour?

Alternatively I could plot unix time with a date scale on the axis but it would be nice to have some hour resolution on the axis.


  • POSIXct was the key here as bVa said.


    Once the epoch time was formated POSIXct, it was possible to use scale_x_datetime()

    I settled on:

    + scale_x_datetime(breaks=date_breaks("1 day"))