I am new to android..and my question is:
I am making one android Application in which I have one RadioGroup
with two Radiobutton
btnA and btnB along with some other Parameters.
if btnA is Checked than value in database is 1 and if btnB is selected then Value in Database is 0.
I am retrieving Data from database while showing My Listview
Now My Question is I want to display Listview
with listItem like :
imgA if Value From Database is 1 .
imgB if Value from Database is 0.
How to do it???
I tried this
private Integer[] Images = {R.drawable.imgA,R.drawable.imgB};
Cursor cur = dop.getData();
if(cur!= null && cur.getCount()>0)
do {Integer btnType= cur.getInt(cur.getColumnIndex(databaseName.TableName.ColumnName));
if(btnType== 1){ImageId = Images[0];}
else if(btnType== 0){ImageId= Images[1];}}
//other Params
}while (cur.moveToNext());
Adapter myAdp = new Adapter(Activity.this,ImageId,para);
My Adapter is Like
public class Adapter extends BaseAdapter {
public Context context;
public ArrayList<String>Param1;
public int ImageId;
public Adapter(Context context,int ImageId,ArrayList<String>Param1)
this.context = context;
this.ImageId = ImageId;
this.Param1= Param1;
public int getCount(){return param1.size();}
public Object getItem(int Position){return null;}
public long getItemId(int Position){return 0;}
public class viewHolder{
TextView tvParam1;
ImageView imgType;
public View getView(int Position,View Child,ViewGroup Parent)
viewHolder vHolder;
LayoutInflater inflator;
if(Child == null)
inflator = (LayoutInflater)context.getSystemService(Context.LAYOUT_INFLATER_SERVICE);
Child = inflator.inflate(R.layout.list_row,null);
vHolder = new viewHolder();
vHolder.tvparam1 = (TextView)Child.findViewById(R.id.txtParam1);
vHolder.imgType = (ImageView)Child.findViewById(R.id.imgType);
else {vHolder = (viewHolder)Child.getTag();}
return Child;
my Problem is I am getting same image for all list items. but I want ImgA for btnA and imgB for btnB. How to resolve this???
I got solution for this issue
what i done is: I took Integer Arraylist for storing my Images
In my Main Activity:
public int[] Images = {R.drawable.imgA,R.drawable.imgB};
public ArrayList<Integer>ImageId = new ArrayList<Integer>();
int i = 0;
if(btnType == 1)
else if(btnType == 0)
} while(cur.moveToNext());
also in myAdapter: I jst changed Integer Array to Integer Arraylist for Image
this solve my Problem