I'd like to setup my Ionic2 app to use the Backand SDK. I am new to Ionic2 / Angular2 and I couldn't find any example out there with an Ionic2 app. I could only find example apps with Ionic1 / Angular1 apps which don't help me.
Any clues?
Thanks, Guillaume
As Aaron said, you can take 'backandService.ts' file from /app/service folder in my repository at
Here you have direct link to file.
If you are using Typescript, you will be able to load it with this snippet:
import {BackandService} from '../../services/backandService'
Inject BackandService in you constructor:
constructor(public backandService:BackandService) {
And do login like this:
this.backandService.getAuthTokenSimple(this.username, this.password);
And then post data with this code: