The documentation doesn't seem to mention anything explicit about the order of optional chaining evaluation, just that:
Multiple queries can be chained together, and the entire chain fails gracefully if any link in the chain is nil.
Might seem obvious but I needed to confirm exactly what happens and thought it might be helpful for others. e.g. are we able to safely do this kind of thing?
Optional chains are lazily evaluated left-to-right as you'd expect. The first optional in the chain to fail stops any further evaluation of the chain.
// Playground test for left-to-right lazy evaluation.
struct C {
static var i = 0
func chain(count: Int) -> C? {
print("Expected \(count) -> \(C.i)")
assert(count == C.i)
C.i += 1
return C.i > 2 ? nil : self
let c = C()
Expected 0 -> 0
Expected 1 -> 1
Expected 2 -> 2