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Add a script tag to internet explorer through c++

I have a COM client executable which spawns a new IE process and grabs a reference to the IWebBrowser2 interface, and I would like to inject a JavaScript tag into the webpage that IE loads.

Currently this is what I am doing:

void Document::AddScript(const std::wstring script, const std::wstring id) {

IHTMLElement* pHtmlElem;
CComVariant vJavascript = "text/javascript";
CComBSTR vScriptContents = script.c_str();
CComBSTR vId = id.c_str();

hr = _pDocument2->createElement(_T("script"), &pHtmlElem);
if (SUCCEEDED(hr) && pHtmlElem != NULL)

    hr = pHtmlElem->setAttribute(_T("type"), vJavascript);
    hr = pHtmlElem->put_innerText(vScriptContents);
    hr = pHtmlElem->put_id(vId);

CComPtr<IHTMLElement> body;
hr = pDocument->get_body(&body);

CComQIPtr<IHTMLDOMNode, &IID_IHTMLDOMNode> spBodyNode = body; 
hr = pHtmlElem->QueryInterface(&spNodeNew);

CComPtr<IHTMLDOMNode> node;
if (spBodyNode)
    hr = spBodyNode->appendChild(spNodeNew, &node);


The HRESULT returned from spBodyNode->appendChild is coming back as S_OK; however, nothing is getting appended to the page. What can I do to get

<script id="myScript">
    function xyz(){

onto the page?


The functions added by this method need to be executable in the web page.


  • Did some quick research on the topic, and found this article which shares a library using the IWebBrowser2 as a constructor's argument. I think it will suffice.

    Also, you may try using a Browser Helper Object (seems more pratical even though does not uses that interface). Here: link

    Good Luck