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Consumable in app purchases validation

We recently launched the app which has only consumable in-app purchases. We noticed lot of fake purchases - purchases with invalid receipts and also 'valid' receipts but the "in_app" array in the validation response from apple is empty array. I need to know how users are forming such a 'valid' receipts ? Is it the receipt of the app download and not of in-app purchase or what ? I am now putting the following check for validation. Extract "in_app" field in json response from Apple and if it is non-empty, then check the product_id matches or not. I need to know if this check is enough or their is a better fool proof check.


  • All apps have a receipt. Those apps that have purchased an IAP have an in_app field in their receipt. Your users are pushing a fake call into their updatedTransaction method and you are grabbing their receipt (sans IAP cause they made no purchase)and sending it to your server. Other users might swap some receipt from somewhere (e.g. one of 30 thieves makes a purchase and extracts that valid receipt and sends it to their 29 co-thieves). If they stick that receipt into their device and then push a call to updatedTransactions then your server will get their now-valid-but-duplicate receipt. Your server needs to check *** the date of the receipt and discover it is older than recent or, even better, older than the paymentRequest which you would need to co-send to your server. (it is better to decode on the device - much more secure)

    *** you used to be able to check transaction_id for a duplicate transaction_id. Unfortunately you can no longer do that since a restoreCompletedTransaction returns the same transaction_id as the original purchase. I have told Apple about that and they ignored me.