How would one FFI into Javascript using Elm's Native
modules when a term has more than one argument to a function? What is the way that elm shuffles currying around? I think I've seen some kind of projections for tuples, so I stayed away from that and didn't assume functions were uncurried, but I'm not sure now that I'm getting a type error in my function. Here's what I have for my Native/Foo.js
var make = function make(elm) {
elm.Native = elm.Native || {};
elm.Native.Foo = elm.Native.Foo || {};
var Result = Elm.Result.make(elm);
// Int -> Int -> Int -> Result String Date
function someDay (year,month,day) {
var d = new Date(year,month-1,day);
return isNaN(d.getTime())
? Result.Err( 'unable to make date: '
+ JSON.stringify({
"year": year,
"month": month,
"day": day
: Result.Ok(d)
if (elm.Native.Foo.values) return elm.Native.Foo.values;
return elm.Native.Foo.values = {
'someDay': someDay
Elm.Native.Foo = {};
Elm.Native.Foo.make = make;
and in my module that I'm trying to use it, I'm assuming it's already curried:
module Foo where
import Native.Foo
import Date exposing (Date, Month)
import Date.Extra.Core exposing (monthToInt)
someDay : Int -> Month -> Int -> Date
someDay y m d =
case Native.Today.someDay y (monthToInt m) d of
Ok d -> d
Err e -> Debug.crash e
It compiles just fine, but when I try to run my app, I'm getting the following error:
TypeError: fun(...) is not a function
Is there anything I'm doing wrong here?
To curry raw javascript functions, use the F2
, F3
... functions. They're in global scope by default, so to fix this just do this:
// ...
return elm.Native.Foo.values = {
'someDay': F3(someDay)