I am trying to use the pROC
package in R to calculate sensitivity, specificity and threshold level. Here is a sample data
coords(myroc, "best", ret=c("threshold", "sensitivity", "specificity"))
Error in UseMethod("coords") :
no applicable method for 'coords' applied to an object of class "c('double', 'numeric')"
Will anyone be able to tell me why this error is happening and how to fix it?
Thank you
Here is my best guess: the roc
function name is used in several packages (11 on CRAN at the moment according to the sos package) and those will take precedence over pROC
if they are loaded later in your session. By restarting R you cleared that function from your search path and are back to using pROC's roc
To ensure you are using pROC's roc
function, use the following syntax: