I think I may need to re-think my design. I'm having a hard time narrowing down a bug that is causing my computer to completely hang, sometimes throwing an HRESULT 0x8007000E from VS 2010.
I have a console application (that I will later convert to a service) that handles transferring files based on a database queue.
I am throttling the threads allowed to transfer. This is because some systems we are connecting to can only contain a certain number of connections from certain accounts.
For example, System A can only accept 3 simultaneous connections (which means 3 separate threads). Each one of these threads has their own unique connection object, so we shouldn't run in to any synchronization problems since they aren't sharing a connection.
We want to process the files from those systems in cycles. So, for example, we will allow 3 connections that can transfer up to 100 files per connection. This means, to move 1000 files from System A, we can only process 300 files per cycle, since 3 threads are allowed with 100 files each. Therefore, over the lifetime of this transfer, we will have 10 threads. We can only run 3 at a time. So, there will be 3 cycles, and the last cycle will only use 1 thread to transfer the last 100 files. (3 threads x 100 files = 300 files per cycle)
The current architecture by example is:
[transfersArray = new TransferArray[3]
which is the max for System A, but could vary on system[WaitHandle.WaitAll(transfersArray)]
I am using ManualResetEvent to handle the signaling.
My questions are:
and call array[index].Dispose()?
(Some class code for scheduling)
private ManualResetEvent _ResetEvent;
private void Start()
_IsAlive = true;
ManualResetEvent transferResetEvent = new ManualResetEvent(false);
//Set the scheduler timer to 5 second intervals
_ScheduledTasks = new Timer(new TimerCallback(ScheduledTasks_Tick), transferResetEvent, 200, 5000);
private void ScheduledTasks_Tick(object state)
ManualResetEvent resetEvent = null;
resetEvent = (ManualResetEvent)state;
//Block timer until GetScheduledTasks() finishes
_ScheduledTasks.Change(Timeout.Infinite, Timeout.Infinite);
_ScheduledTasks.Change(5000, 5000);
Console.WriteLine("{0} [Main] GetScheduledTasks() finished", DateTime.Now.ToString("MMddyy HH:mm:ss:fff"));
private void GetScheduledTask()
//Check to see if the database connection is still up
if (!_IsAlive)
_ConnectionLostNotification = true;
//Get scheduled records from the database
ISchedulerTask task = null;
using (DataTable dt = FastSql.ExecuteDataTable(
_ConnectionString, "hidden for security", System.Data.CommandType.StoredProcedure,
new List<FastSqlParam>() { new FastSqlParam(ParameterDirection.Input, SqlDbType.VarChar, "@ProcessMachineName", Environment.MachineName) })) //call to static class
if (dt != null)
if (dt.Rows.Count == 1)
{ //Only 1 row is allowed
DataRow dr = dt.Rows[0];
//Get task information
TransferParam.TaskType taskType = (TransferParam.TaskType)Enum.Parse(typeof(TransferParam.TaskType), dr["TaskTypeId"].ToString());
task = ScheduledTaskFactory.CreateScheduledTask(taskType);
task.Description = dr["Description"].ToString();
task.IsEnabled = (bool)dr["IsEnabled"];
task.IsProcessing = (bool)dr["IsProcessing"];
task.IsManualLaunch = (bool)dr["IsManualLaunch"];
task.ProcessMachineName = dr["ProcessMachineName"].ToString();
task.NextRun = (DateTime)dr["NextRun"];
task.PostProcessNotification = (bool)dr["NotifyPostProcess"];
task.PreProcessNotification = (bool)dr["NotifyPreProcess"];
task.Priority = (TransferParam.Priority)Enum.Parse(typeof(TransferParam.SystemType), dr["PriorityId"].ToString());
task.SleepMinutes = (int)dr["SleepMinutes"];
task.ScheduleId = (int)dr["ScheduleId"];
task.CurrentRuns = (int)dr["CurrentRuns"];
task.TotalRuns = (int)dr["TotalRuns"];
SchedulerTask scheduledTask = new SchedulerTask(new ManualResetEvent(false), task);
//Queue up task to worker thread and start
ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(new WaitCallback(this.ThreadProc), scheduledTask);
catch (Exception ex)
private void ThreadProc(object taskObject)
SchedulerTask task = (SchedulerTask)taskObject;
ScheduledTaskEngine engine = null;
engine = SchedulerTaskEngineFactory.CreateTaskEngine(task.Task, _ConnectionString);
catch (Exception ex)
It turns out the source of this strange problem was not related to architecture but rather because of converting the solution from 3.5 to 4.0. I re-created the solution, performing no code changes, and the problem never occurred again.