I am able to bring a username and password pop up whenever i hit the url but i am able to verify the details with the one's present in database but not redirect it to same handler. It is stucking in else loop. How to do that ? After verifying if the logged in person has the right scope then it will give you response data.
My Server.js -
const simple_validate = function (request, reply, next) {
var credentials = auth(request);
if (!credentials || credentials.name !== 'john' || credentials.pass !== 'secret') {
reply('Not authorized').code(401);
reply().header('WWW-Authenticate', 'Basic realm="example"').hold();
} else {
reply('Access granted');
server.register(Basic, (err) => {
server.auth.strategy('simple', 'basic', { validateFunc: simple_validate });
This is the right way of doing it.
const validate = function (request, email, password, callback) {
// validate your email and password here
//do whatever you wanna do
server.register(require('hapi-auth-basic'), (err) => {
server.auth.strategy('simple', 'basic', {
validateFunc: validateApi