I am trying to convert multiple .eps files into .jpg ones. By looking at answers here in SO, I was able to do it for single separate files.
The problem is that, when I'm trying to do it for all the files, they don't show any .jpg file.
I am currently using Imagemagick with the command
convert -density 300 outputs-000.eps -flatten outputs-000.jpg
I believe the problem is because my files are written as
and so on. I tried putting %d (as in outputs-%d.eps and outputs-%d.jpg), but with no success.
Apart from that, I intent to get all those files and "convert" them into an .mkv or .gif or similar type (they are images of the time configuration of a particle collision system, so each image is a frame, so the goal is to make it into a 10sec movie). If there is a way to do that directly from the .eps, even better. Any help is welcome, since I've been trying to do this for several hours now. Thank you.
You should be able to make an animated GIF in one go like this:
convert -density 300 outputs-*eps -delay 200 animated.gif
Failing that, you should be able to convert all your eps
files to, say PNG
mogrify -density 300 -format png outputs-*eps
Be careful with mogrify - it overwrites your input files unless you specify -path
for an output directory, or you change format - like I just did to PNG