i have cloned petclinic project and imported it in intellij 14.
My question is, when i am using the application on localhost how can i see the content of the hsqldb database which is used by default in the petclinic application ? My first attempt was to :
go in the database view from intellij
create an in memory new database with url equal to : jdbc:hsqldb:mem:petclinic
When i test the connection it is ok, even if the application server is not started, which is weard i think
When i start the application ./mvnw tomcat7:run in the database view i only get schemas : PUBLIC.PUBLIC with no table at all.
My question is so how to configure the database connection within intellj to see the content of the hsqldb used in the petclinic application ?
Thanks you.
To add clarification : If you have a look at the petclinic code [link] https://github.com/spring-projects/spring-petclinic you will see that hsqldb is already configured and launched at the start of the application. And that the configuration is
I guess i would need to reuse the same hsqldb than the one started by petclinic code, but i don't know how to achieve this from intellij once the application is started locally. Appreciate your help.
Well to answer my own question, this is what to do :
Instantiate a spring bean just after the creation of the datasource bean and then launch the swing tool hsql database manager adding those simple lines of code :
<bean depends-on="dataSource" class="org.springframework.beans.factory.config.MethodInvokingBean">
<property name="targetClass" value="org.hsqldb.util.DatabaseManagerSwing" />
<property name="targetMethod" value="main" />
<property name="arguments">
Then select the PUBLIC schema you will see all the tables :=)