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AngularJS - Am I missing something in this Factory injection?

I'm using the $cacheFactory to save some data in my cache and everything was working very good until today that I've decided to separate my cacheFactory into a single class called MyFactory.js. Now I'm getting the error:

TypeError: tableCacheFactory is not a function

Because it's taking the injection as a simple method or something, does anybody know if I'm missing something here?




angular.module('my-cache-factory', [])

    .factory('tableCacheFactory', [
        '$cacheFactory', function ($cacheFactory) {
            return $cacheFactory('my-cache');


angular.module('my-component', [])

        function ($rootScope, $http, $q, tableCacheFactory) {

            function getMyData (prodNro) {

                var deferred = $q.defer();
                var promise = deferred.promise;

                var dataCache = tableCacheFactory.get('tablecache');

                if (!dataCache) {
                    dataCache = tableCacheFactory('tablecache');  // TypeError: tableCacheFactory is not a function

                var summaryFromCache = dataCache.get('tablecache' + prodNro);

                if (summaryFromCache) {

                } else { 

                        method: ...
                        data : ...
                        url: ...
                    }).success( function (data, status, headers, config) {

                        var objectResult = {
                            "data": data,
                            "status": status,
                            "headers": headers,
                            "config": config

                        if (data.response) {
                            // Save to cache
                            dataCache.put('tablecache'+prodNro, objectResult);


                    }).error(function (data, status, headers, config) {



                return promise;



  • You seem to have some misconception about how the $cacheFactory works.

    In var dataCache = tableCacheFactory.get('tablecache'); you are using it like it was a initialized Cache object containing another Cache object.

    On the other hand dataCache = tableCacheFactory('tablecache'); uses it like it was the $cacheFactory itself.

    And both of them try to access record 'tablecache' in something that I think should already be the tableCache itself.

    The error is exactly what it says it is. As per the docs, calling $cacheFactory('my-cache'); does not return a function to create more caches. It returns a $cacheFactory.Cache object which has methods like put(key, value) and get(key). Use those instead.

    I'd change the whole structure of the caching (note that the name of the factory is changed):

    .factory('tableCache', [
        '$cacheFactory', function ($cacheFactory) {
            //Return what the name of the factory implies
            return $cacheFactory('tablecache');

    And then use that without needing to do more weird 'tablecache' namespacing

    function getMyData (prodNro) {
        var summaryFromCache = tableCache.get(prodNro);
        tableCache.put(prodNro, objectResult);