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How to calculate summary and boxplot in minitab data with conditional case?

I am trying to create summary statistics and boxplots between Pulse1 and Smokes with the condition as follows

  1. Pulse1 & Smokes==No
  2. Pulse1 & Smokes==Yes

Smokes "No" = The person is not a smoker

Smokes "Yes" = The person is a smoker

I have tried to modify by simply separate "No" and "Yes" in the SMOKES header, but it took me a lot of time since the data is big, and the screenshot below took only a few examples. How can i do this without modifying the data as i done before? I'm open for any suggestions, thank you so much

Minitab Screenshot


  • Hmmm. This looks like really elementary Minitab so perhaps I am misunderstanding your question.

    I've loaded Minitab's example data set Pulse.MTW, which looks like your example data with some variables coded as numbers rather than text: enter image description here

    • menu Stat > Basic Statistics > Display Basic Statistics...
    • Set: Variables: Pulse1, By Variables: Smokes
    • Click Graphs... and tick Boxplot of data
    • Click OK a couple of times

    enter image description here enter image description here

    Is that what you wanted?