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Wrong HttpContext in Policy

We use a custom Policy to check some database requirement (a token persisted in database), and I need session informations so I injected IHttpContextAccessor to use HttpContext.Session.

public TokenValidHandler(IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor)
     _httpContext = contextAccessor.HttpContext;

I can see that :

  1. I don't retrieve correctly HttpContext.Session, it throw an InvalidOperationException
  2. The request is not correct : the Path is null, and this should be something like '/Home/Index'

I re-used SessionMiddleware in my project and I can see that user session is correctly restored into the HttpContext, but in my Policy I'd get the wrong one. SessionMiddleware is correctly added before MVC Middleware. Any ideas ?

SOLUTION (thanks @JoeAudette) Keep accessor until you need HttpContext.

public TokenValidHandler(IHttpContextAccessor contextAccessor)
    _accessor = contextAccessor;

protected override void Handle(AuthorizationContext context, TokenValidRequirement requirement)
    // Right context ...
    var contextHttp = _accessor.HttpContext;


  • instead of getting the context in the constructor, try keeping the contextAccessor around and wait to get the actual context until just before you need to check it