I am using Sider C# Redis client to connect to Redis server running on my windows 7 machine. https://github.com/chakrit/sider
I am able to fire set/get/select from my C# application
I now want to use the Publish/Subscribe feature so that my C# app can be informed about any changes in the redis client's "key" in an evented way (passing delegates)
I am unable to write the code for that as there are no examples on how to use the sider client page.
all i could write was this :
var client = new RedisClient(address, 6379);
string[] keys = new string[1];
keys[0] = "key1ToMonitor";
IObservable<Message<string>> obb = client.Subscribe(keys);
I know this looks lame but i got no clue how to write it in an lambda way where my function would be called if any client changes the desired keys on the redis server.
PS : I am new to this so correct me if my approach is flawed.
Edit : on adding the suggested changes i am getting the following error.
Error 7 Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'System.IObserver<Sider.Message<string>>' because it is not a delegate type D:\_Work\TestApp\Program.cs 90 27 TestApp
the obb.subscribe signature looks like this
namespace System
// Summary:
// Defines a provider for push-based notification.
// Type parameters:
// T:
// The object that provides notification information.This type parameter is
// covariant. That is, you can use either the type you specified or any type
// that is more derived. For more information about covariance and contravariance,
// see Covariance and Contravariance in Generics.
public interface IObservable<out T>
// Summary:
// Notifies the provider that an observer is to receive notifications.
// Parameters:
// observer:
// The object that is to receive notifications.
// Returns:
// The observer's interface that enables resources to be disposed.
IDisposable Subscribe(IObserver<T> observer);
code :
var client = new RedisClient(address, 6379);
string[] keys = new string[1];
keys[0] = "key1ToMonitor";
IObservable<Message<string>> obb = client.Subscribe(keys);
obb.Subscribe(x => Debug.WriteLine(x.ToString()) ); // error : doesn't let me compile
You need to subscribe to the actual observable produced. Something like this:
obb.Subscribe(x => Debug.WriteLine(x.ToString()));
Don't forget to add using System.Reactive.Linq;
to get the extensions required to convert a lambda into an observer.