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How to cancel a case (incident) in MS CRM via webservice

The Question: How to cancel a Case (Incident) in Microsoft CRM 4 using the WebService?

I'm writing this because it took me ages to find the right answer and MS's documentation is not very helpful in this regard, hopefully this will save time for other people.


  • The Answer (in VB.NET):

     Dim CancelRequest As New SetStateIncidentRequest
        CancelRequest.IncidentState = IncidentState.Canceled
        CancelRequest.IncidentStatus = -1
        CancelRequest.EntityId = // [GUID OF INCIDENT]
        Dim CancelResponse As New SetStateIncidentResponse
            CancelResponse = objCrm.Execute(CancelRequest)
        Catch ex As System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException
            Dim root As XmlElement = ex.Detail
            strErrors = strErrors & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & root.ChildNodes(0).ChildNodes(3).InnerText
            Return False
        Catch ex As Exception
            strErrors = strErrors & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & ex.Message
            Return False
        End Try
        Return True

    Where objCRM is an instance of the CrmService.