I have created this procedure that fetches all the procedures within a database generates a document (via comments) and lists all the "in" and "out" params - this is fine it works perfect!
The problem I am facing is, within the application I'm building I want to select ONE of these procedures (so when a user clicks on one of the items from this list) and output its details (creating a second procedure to handle this is not an option)
Here is the original code (ignore the p***** - this is hidden on purpose (but is never used in the procedure - its for logging)):
/* DOC
Everything between the DOC tags are used to generate the user document.
( in "p*****" char(20), in "pSearchTerm" long varchar, in "pSelectOne" char(1) default null)
result( "proccessName" long varchar, "Doc" long varchar, "paramName" long varchar,"paramIO" long varchar,"paramDefault" long varchar,"paramType" long varchar )
SELECT "proc_name" as "proccessName",
(SELECT substr(source, charindex('/* DOC', source)+6, charindex('*/', source) - charindex('/* DOC', source)-6 ) FROM "sys"."sysprocedure" where "proc_name" = "proccessName" AND charindex('/* DOC', source) > 0) as "Doc",
"LIST"("parm_name" order by "parm_type" asc,"parm_id" asc) as "paramName",
"LIST"("parm_type" order by "parm_type" asc,"parm_id" asc) as "paramIO",
"LIST"("isnull"("default",'null') order by "parm_type" asc,"parm_id" asc) as "paramDefault",
"LIST"("isnull"("domain_name",'null') order by "parm_type" asc,"parm_id" asc) as "paramType"
from "sys"."sysprocedure" as "pr" key join "SYS"."SYSPROCPARM" as "pa" key join "SYS"."SYSDOMAIN"
-- Below code requires sybase 16 - temporary version 11 friendly version above
-- "LIST"("isnull"("base_type_str",'null') order by "parm_type" asc,"parm_id" asc) as "paramType"
-- from "sys"."sysprocedure" as "pr" key join "SYS"."SYSPROCPARM" as "pa" --where pr.proc_name = o.proc_name ;
-- WHERE "proc_name" like 'net%' AND "proc_name" like '%' + pSearchTerm + '%'
WHERE "proc_name" = pSearchTerm OR "proc_name" like 'net%' AND "proc_name" like '%' + pSearchTerm + '%'
group by "proc_name"
order by 1 asc
The code above works fine for fetching all of them, now here is the code i wrote to attempt to fetch just ONE
/* DOC
Everything between the DOC tags are used to generate the user document.
( in "p*****" char(20), char(20), in "pSearchTerm" long varchar, in "pSelectOne" char(1) default null)
result( "proccessName" long varchar, "Doc" long varchar, "paramName" long varchar,"paramIO" long varchar,"paramDefault" long varchar,"paramType" long varchar )
WHEN pSelectOne = '1' THEN SELECT FIRST "proc_name" as "proccessName",
ELSE SELECT "proc_name" as "proccessName",
(SELECT substr(source, charindex('/* DOC', source)+6, charindex('*/', source) - charindex('/* DOC', source)-6 ) FROM "sys"."sysprocedure" where "proc_name" = "proccessName" AND charindex('/* DOC', source) > 0) as "Doc",
"LIST"("parm_name" order by "parm_type" asc,"parm_id" asc) as "paramName",
"LIST"("parm_type" order by "parm_type" asc,"parm_id" asc) as "paramIO",
"LIST"("isnull"("default",'null') order by "parm_type" asc,"parm_id" asc) as "paramDefault",
"LIST"("isnull"("domain_name",'null') order by "parm_type" asc,"parm_id" asc) as "paramType"
from "sys"."sysprocedure" as "pr" key join "SYS"."SYSPROCPARM" as "pa" key join "SYS"."SYSDOMAIN"
-- Below code requires sybase 16 - temporary version 11 friendly version above
-- "LIST"("isnull"("base_type_str",'null') order by "parm_type" asc,"parm_id" asc) as "paramType"
-- from "sys"."sysprocedure" as "pr" key join "SYS"."SYSPROCPARM" as "pa" --where pr.proc_name = o.proc_name ;
-- WHERE "proc_name" like 'net%' AND "proc_name" like '%' + pSearchTerm + '%'
WHERE "proc_name" = pSearchTerm OR "proc_name" like 'net%' AND "proc_name" like '%' + pSearchTerm + '%'
group by "proc_name"
order by 1 asc
Now i know there is a syntax error because of the select statements having the trailing ',' but is there any way i can have something similar to what I'm trying to achieve without it getting to messy?
Solved it!
Added this to the "in" params
in "pSelectOne" char(1) default null
and changed the where clause to
WHERE (pSelectOne IS NOT NULL and "proc_name" = pSearchTerm) or (pSelectOne IS NULL and "proc_name" like 'net%' AND "proc_name" like '%' + pSearchTerm + '%')
and it works.