I'm writing a domain-specific language in Haskell, and have settled on a design with two ASTs: an initial untyped one that represents syntax and a final typed one that represents everything. I'm writing the final one as a GADT to get better typechecking.
I think it's almost working, but I'm having trouble writing a function that converts initial -> final (checks the types, plus some other things not shown, like all references correspond to a variable).
Here's a simplified example:
{-# LANGUAGE GADTs, StandaloneDeriving #-}
module Main where
-- untyped initial AST
data Untyped
= UNum Int
| UStr String
| UAdd Untyped Untyped
deriving (Show, Eq)
-- typed final AST
data Typed a where
TNum :: Int -> Typed Int
TStr :: String -> Typed String
TAdd :: Typed Int -> Typed Int -> Typed Int
deriving instance Eq (Typed a)
deriving instance Show (Typed a)
-- wrapper that allows working with a `Typed a` for any `a`
data TypedExpr where
TypedExpr :: Typed a -> TypedExpr
And this is my attempt at the check
function. The base cases are simple:
check :: Untyped -> Either String TypedExpr
check (UNum n) = Right $ TypedExpr $ TNum n
check (UStr s) = Right $ TypedExpr $ TStr s
-- check (Uadd e1 e2) = ???
But how do I add Add
? It can recursively evaluate the sub-expressions to
values of type Either String (TypedExpr (Typed a))
, but I haven't managed to
unwrap those, check that the types line up (both a
s should be Int
s), and
re-wrap afterward. I planned to do it all with big pattern matches, but GHC
doesn't approve:
My brain just exploded
I can't handle pattern bindings for existential or GADT data constructors.
Instead, use a case-expression, or do-notation, to unpack the constructor.
That's explained here, but I didn't understand the explanation. It seems I don't want pattern matching.
Update: I must have messed something else up without noticing. Pattern matching works, as shown by Nikita.
So I fiddled around trying to force things into
the right shape, but haven't gotten anything substantial yet. If these were
just Either String SomeValue
I would want to use applicatives, right? Is it
possible to add another level of unwrapping + type checking to them? I suspect this answer is close to what I want since the question is very similar, but again I don't understand it. This may also be related.
Update: That first answer is just what I wanted after all. But I couldn't see how until chi wrote the intermediate version below without the extra Type
type. Here's a working solution. The trick was to tag TypedExpr
s with a new type representing just the return type (a
) of a Typed a
data Returns a where
RNum :: Returns Int
RStr :: Returns String
-- extend TypedExpr to include the return type
data TypedExpr2 where
TypedExpr2 :: Returns a -> Typed a -> TypedExpr2
That way check
doesn't have to know whether each subexpression is a raw
or a function (like Add
) that returns a TNum
check :: Untyped -> Either String TypedExpr2
check (UNum n) = Right $ TypedExpr2 RNum (TNum n)
check (UStr s) = Right $ TypedExpr2 RStr (TStr s)
check (UAdd u1 u2) = do
-- typecheck subexpressions, then unwrap by pattern matching
TypedExpr2 r1 t1 <- check u1
TypedExpr2 r2 t2 <- check u2
-- check the tags to find out their return types
case (r1, r2) of
-- if correct, create an overall expression tagged with its return type
(RNum, RNum) -> return $ TypedExpr2 RNum $ TAdd t1 t2
_ -> Left "type error"
GHC is smart enough to know that the two a
s in any TypedExpr2
must match,
so it catches you if you attempt to use the wrong overall return type at the
end. Wonderful!
Technically it is doable, but it's quite inconvenient: you have to "dig" until the GADT constructor is found.
check :: Untyped -> Either String TypedExpr
check (UNum n) = return $ TypedExpr $ TNum n
check (UStr s) = return $ TypedExpr $ TStr s
check (UAdd t1 t2) = do
t1 <- check t1
t2 <- check t2
case (t1, t2) of
(TypedExpr (TNum x) , TypedExpr (TNum y))
-> return $ TypedExpr $ TAdd (TNum x ) (TNum y)
(TypedExpr (TAdd x1 x2) , TypedExpr (TNum y))
-> return $ TypedExpr $ TAdd (TAdd x1 x2) (TNum y)
(TypedExpr (TNum x) , TypedExpr (TAdd y1 y2))
-> return $ TypedExpr $ TAdd (TNum x ) (TAdd y1 y2)
(TypedExpr (TAdd x1 x2) , TypedExpr (TAdd y1 y2))
-> return $ TypedExpr $ TAdd (TAdd x1 x2) (TAdd y1 y2)
_ -> Left "type error"
I would look for alternatives. The above approach suffers from combinatorial explosion when the number of constructors is large.