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Test Jenkins 2.0 Pipeline but does nothing

I try to execute the example of Jenkins for a new Pipeline.
When I launch it, the build is running but when I display the console, there is nothing in it except Started by user anonymous
I let the pipeline run for a few minutes and then I force to kill it.

As I said, I try the demo script in Jenkins:

node {
   stage 'Stage 1'
   echo 'Hello World 1'
   stage 'Stage 2'
   echo 'Hello World 2'


  • I finally found a solution.

    As I said in the question, I had to install (manually) the pipeline plugin and all its dependencies because I was under a proxy and I haven't at this time the credentials to pass through it.

    Today I had the credentials and I let Jenkins do an update of all of my plugins and everythings went fine.