I apologize if this is obvious but please see:
curl 'https://data.cityofnewyork.us/resource/fhrw-4uyv.json?$order=created_date+desc'
if you focus on created_date
"created_date" : "2016-04-30T02:55:27.000"
"created_date" : "2016-04-30T02:34:58.000",
"created_date" : "2016-04-30T02:13:14.000",
NOTICE 2016-04-30T02:55:27.000 is close to the current date and time
curl 'https://data.cityofnewyork.us/resource/fhrw-4uyv.json?incident_zip=%2711205%27&$order=created_date+desc&$limit=1'
"created_date": "2015-04-16T23:25:08.000",
NOTICE 2015-04-16T23:25:08.000 is about a YEAR AGO! But it should be 2016. What is incorrect?
Even a simple request such as:
curl 'https://data.cityofnewyork.us/resource/fhrw-4uyv.json?$select=created_date&$order=created_date+desc'
Please use the NYC 311 table. It may be related to the size of the table. Thanks.
Our engineers were able to resolve the issue and things should be returning results that are more sane now. Let me know if things look good from your end too.