I am running a Teamspeak 3 server on a Ubuntu server and I would like to fetch the clients currently connected using a script.
The script currently outputs this from the Teamspeak Server Query:
clid=1 cid=11 client_database_id=161 client_nickname=Music client_type=1|clid=3 cid=11 client_database_id=153 client_nickname=Music\sBot client_type=0|clid=5 cid=1 client_database_id=68 client_nickname=Unknown\sfrom\s127.0.0.1:52537 client_type=1|clid=12 cid=11 client_database_id=3 client_nickname=FriendlyMan client_type=0|clid=16 cid=11 client_database_id=161 client_nickname=Windows\s10\sUser client_type=0|clid=20 cid=11 client_database_id=225 client_nickname=3C2J0N47H4N client_type=0
How can I extract the nicknames from this mess? More Specifically only the ones that contain "client_type=0".
Played around with GREP (grep -E -o 'client_nickname=\w+'), close to what I want.
Desired Output:
Music Bot,FriendlyMan,Windows 10 User,3C2J0N47H4N
Our input consists of a single line:
$ cat file
clid=1 cid=11 client_database_id=161 client_nickname=Music client_type=1|clid=3 cid=11 client_database_id=153 client_nickname=Music\sBot client_type=0|clid=5 cid=1 client_database_id=68 client_nickname=Unknown\sfrom\s127.0.0.1:52537 client_type=1|clid=12 cid=11 client_database_id=3 client_nickname=FriendlyMan client_type=0|clid=16 cid=11 client_database_id=161 client_nickname=Windows\s10\sUser client_type=0|clid=20 cid=11 client_database_id=225 client_nickname=3C2J0N47H4N client_type=0
Here is one approach that starts with grep and then uses sed to cleanup to the final format:
$ grep -oP '(?<=client_nickname=)[^=]+(?=client_type=0)' file | sed -nE 's/\\s/ /g; H;1h; ${x; s/ *\n/,/g;p}'
Music Bot,FriendlyMan,Windows 10 User,3C2J0N47H4N
Here is another approach that just uses awk:
$ awk -F'[= ]' '/client_type=0/{gsub(/\\s/, " ", $8); printf (f?",":"")$8; f=1} END{print ""}' RS='|' file
Music Bot,FriendlyMan,Windows 10 User,3C2J0N47H4N
The awk code uses |
as the record separator and awk reads in one record at a time. Each record is divided into fields with the field separator being either a space or an equal sign. If the record contains the text client_type=0
, then we replace all occurrences of \s
in field 8 with space and then print the resulting field 8.
( cat file; echo "|"; ) | while read -r -d\| clid cid db name type misc
[ "$type" = "client_type=0" ] || continue
name=${name//\\s/ }
printf "%s%s" "$sep" "${name#client_nickname=}"
echo ""
This produces the output:
Music Bot,FriendlyMan,Windows 10 User,3C2J0N47H4N