I would like to use this React.js component as a foreign Reagent component in a ClojureScript application :
This component is however not available in the repository:
If a React.js component is available in the directory then using it with Reagent would be as simple as in the following example.
(ns demo.views
(:require [reagent.core :as reagent]
(defn example []
[:> Reactable.Table
{:data (clj->js [
{:name "Foo" :section 51}
{:name "Bar" :section 51}
I would like to know what I would have to do with the React Spreadsheet Component such that I can use it in a similar simple way. How to prepare a React.js component for usage in ClojureScript as an external Reagent component? Please provide a clear recipe type of description.
Note: This question How to use a ReactJS Component with Clojurescipt/Reagent looks similar but does not answer my question.
It boils down to how you want to do JavaScript interop... you have 3 choices:
I encourage you to try (3); it isn't difficult, just follow the steps on CLJSJS https://github.com/cljsjs/packages/wiki/Creating-Packages