I am trying to aggregate an array based on the dimension name, in an efficient way.
ex_array <- array(1:10000, dim = c(100, 10, 10),
dimnames = list(Col1 = c(rep(10,50), rep(20, 50)),
Col2 = 1:10,
Col3 = 1:10))
Now I want to aggregate this array based on the names of the first dimension. This dimension has 2 different names (10 and 20) and therefore the new array should have a dimension of 2 by 10 by 10. All the values with dimension name 1 equal to 10 should be summed and the values with dimension 1 equal to 20 should be summed.
Is there some clever way of doing this?
reshape2. I think reshape2 is the best fit here, if you're willing to use packages:
res = acast(melt(ex_array), Col1 ~ Col2 ~ Col3, fun.aggregate = sum)
# int [1:2, 1:10, 1:10] 1275 3775 6275 8775 11275 13775 16275 18775 21275 23775 ...
# - attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 3
# ..$ : chr [1:2] "10" "20"
# ..$ : chr [1:10] "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
# ..$ : chr [1:10] "1" "2" "3" "4" ...
I think this would also collapse duplicates in the other dimensions' names (if there were any).
base R. You can use rowsum
, but it's clunky here because it's designed for matrices
res2 = array(, c(2, 10, 10), dimnames = lapply(dimnames(ex_array), unique))
res2[] = sapply(seq_len(dim(ex_array)[3]), function(k)
rowsum(ex_array[,,k], rownames(ex_array[,,k])))