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InputFile.PostedFile.ContentLength Units of measurement

Please can you tell me the units measured by InputFile.PostedFile.ContentLength . I need to make sure the file is less than 500k.



  • Unit of measurement = Byte.

    1 Kilobyte (kB) = 2ˆ10 Byte = 1024 Bytes

    Sample code testing for a file size of 15 KB:

    const int maxFileLength = 15360; // 15KB = 1024 * 15
    if(PictureFile.PostedFile.ContentLength > maxFileLength)
        MyResult.Text = String.Format("Your post has a size of {0:#,##0} bytes which
        exceeded the limit of {0:#,##0} bytes. Please upload a smaller file.",
        PictureFile.ContentLength, maxFileLength);
        // Save the file here
        MyResult.Text = "Thank you for posting."

    In your case, as you want the file to be less than 500 KB, you should have this:

    const int maxFileLength = 512000; // 500KB = 500 * 1024