I have two classes in my models:
class Block(models.Model):
block_name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
class Flat(models.Model):
block = models.ForeignKey(Block)
flat_name = models.CharField(max_length=20)
It gives me for example blocks with following names:
and flats with following names:
pink_flat FK to block1
red_flat FK to block2
yellow_flat FK to block3
pink_flat FK to block2
pink_flat FK to block3
What function should I create in Block class so I can return all Flat unique names e.g. for above example I would like to return pink_flat, red_flat, yellow_flat
and skip the fact pink_flat occurs more than once.
So, basically I would like to return unique flat_names for each Block
I know I can create function in my Block class so I can filter Flats:
def flats_related(self):
return Flat.objects.filter(block=self.id)
You can simply use .distinct()
**EDIT: ** Above code will work only for PostgreSQL.