I have a file gen.php
this file should have some GET parameters like: gen.php?oid=35852
when open this link: gen.php?oid=35852
will generate for download file called 35852.txt
using some php headers
now I'm trying to add these generated files to a zip archive using php ZipArchive()
but it is not working
$zip = new ZipArchive(); // Load zip library
$zip_name = time().".zip"; // Zip name
if($zip->open($zip_name, ZIPARCHIVE::CREATE)!==TRUE){
// Opening zip file to load files
$error .= "* Sorry ZIP creation failed at this time";
//this file will not added
//this file will not added
//this file will added, but as you see it will be the PHP file
//this file will added as a sample file
is there any way to add the result files of gen.php?oid=35851
that should be: 35851.txt
to the zip archive?
If you want to download contents generated by gen.php?oid=35852
into 35852.txt
file, and then compress the downloaded file in Zip, then you can use a code similar to the following.
$id = 35851;
$url = "http://yourdomain.com/gen.php?oid=$id";
$txt_name = "${id}.txt";
$zip_name = "${id}.zip";
$zip = new ZipArchive();
if ($zip->open($zip_name, ZipArchive::CREATE | ZipArchive::OVERWRITE) !== true) {
die("Failed to create zip archive $zip_name");
if (! $text = file_get_contents($url)) {
die("Failed to download $url");
if (false === file_put_contents($txt_name, $text)) {
die("Failed to write to $txt_name");
if (! $zip->addFile($txt_name)) {
die("Failed to add $txt_name to $zip_name");