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install mosek.fusion for python in anaconda (ubuntu)

I'm trying to use (and therefore install) an optimization package called mosek and more specifically to use it with python on a jupyter notebook.

It's a commercial package but since I'm working in academia, I have a free license.

This issue has been edited thanks to Paul insights.

My goal is to be able to use mosek in python 3.5 through jupyter.

1° My issue:

When I run the following line of code in jupyter notebook :

import mosek.fusion

I have the following error:

import mosek.fusion ---------------------------------------------------------------------------
ImportError                               Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-9-81543b63d59f> in <module>()
----> 1 import mosek.fusion

ImportError: No module named 'mosek.fusion'

2° What I did :

I first downloaded and installed mosek. I also added my licence in my folder mosek. (I did all the steps described here : and added my academical license as well).

I then tried to run the line of code: import mosek.fusion which gave an error. I then tried to run:

import mosek

then I had no error. My conclusion is that mosek is (now, thanks to Paul), properly installed but that fusion module is missing.

I also search for any fusion file or folder in my mosek folder. I did not find any.

Is there a way to get this module fusion from mosek, and even better, is there a way to make it work?

Thank you all!



  • Fusion is not yet available for Python3. It will in the next major release, i.e. MOSEK 8.