I use the output of PHP in an android application, the php code generates output like:
I want to separate between them using commas whether by changing the php code or using programming in android. to be
I tried by programming using ReplaceAll to replace every ("") by (",") but I can't put this in the syntax of command as it refuses to do """", "",""
My PHP Code:
$mysqli = new mysqli("localhost", "root", "", "ESM");
$coresite = $_POST["selectedcoresite"];
if($stmt = $mysqli->prepare("SELECT DISTINCT Cabinet_Row FROM cabinets WHERE Core_Site=?"))
$stmt->bind_param("s", $coresite);
while ($stmt->fetch())
echo json_encode($Cabinet_Row);
you want a comma? so just add one to the string output:
echo json_encode($Cabinet_Row).','; //leaves a final comma
you could concatenate the results and echo once:
while ($stmt->fetch())
echo '"'.implode('","',$out).'"';
i see no real need for json_encode()
considering your output.