I'm trying to write this matlab implementation in Python, but I don't understand a few moments:
last_v = ones(N, 1) * inf;
Do we obtain here a vector, containing all infinities? In this case the condition in while is instantly false and we don't obtain any iterations:
while(norm(v - last_v, 2) > v_quadratic_error)
What do I understand false?
This is the way, I tried it to do:
from numpy import *
def pagerank(M,d,v_quadratic_error):
count = 0
last_v = dot(ones((N,1)),ainf)
R = d*M + ((1-d)/N * ones((N,N)))
while linalg.norm(v-last_v,2) > v_quadratic_error:
last_v = v
v = dot(R,v)
print 'iteration #', count
return v
In Matlab/Octave:
octave:4> last_v = ones(N, 1) * inf;
octave:10> norm(v - last_v, 2)
ans = Inf
octave:13> norm(v - last_v, 2) > v_quadratic_error
ans = 1
In Python:
In [139]: last_v = np.dot(np.ones((N,1)),ainf)
In [140]: np.linalg.norm(v - last_v, 2)
Out[140]: nan
In [141]: np.linalg.norm(v - last_v, 2) <= v_quadratic_error
Out[141]: False
So the condition is True in Matlab/Octave but the similar expression in Python is False. In Python, instead of using
while linalg.norm(v-last_v,2) > v_quadratic_error:
you could use
while True:
last_v = v
if np.linalg.norm(v - last_v, 2) <= v_quadratic_error: break
This guarantees that the flow of execution enters the while-loop
at least once, and then breaks when the condition is True. By that point last_v
will have a finite value, so the NaN versus Inf issue is avoided.
import numpy as np
def pagerank(M, d, v_quadratic_error):
count = 0
N = M.shape[1]
while True:
v = np.random.rand(N, 1)
if (v != 0).all(): break
v = v / np.linalg.norm(v)
R = d * M + ((1 - d) / N * np.ones((N, N)))
while True:
last_v = v
v = np.dot(R, v)
count += 1
print('iteration # {}: {}'.format(count, np.isfinite(v)))
if np.linalg.norm(v - last_v, 2) <= v_quadratic_error: break
return v
M = np.array(np.mat('0 0 0 0 1 ; 0.5 0 0 0 0 ; 0.5 0 0 0 0 ; 0 1 0.5 0 0 ; 0 0 0.5 1 0'))
print(pagerank(M, 0.80, 0.001))
yields (something like)
[[ 0.46322263]
[ 0.25968575]
[ 0.25968575]
[ 0.38623472]
[ 0.48692059]]